A Ministry Of

Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church

We share our beautiful campus with Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, a multi-generational and multi-ethnic church in downtown Walnut Creek. Whether you are spiritually homeless, skeptical, curious, or a committed follower of Jesus, WCPC makes room for your process and supports you in your journey.

Not just a preschool, we’re a community

Monthly Chapel - Church Sanctuary

At WCPC Preschool we practice exalting God through music and singing! We invite all parents, grandparents, caregivers, and siblings to watch our students sing songs to Jesus and dance their hearts out while in the presence of the people they love most. This is a wonderful time of community and an opportunity to get to know other preschool families over hot coffee and donut holes!

Fall Fun - Trunk Or Treat

A spooktacular twist on old-fashioned trick-or-treating. Cars with elaborately decorated trunks gather in the Church parking lot and kids go from car to car for treats, games, and other Halloween fun!

Tis The Season - A Very Merry Christmas

This event is the epitome of COZY. Whether sipping hot cocoa, playing in snow, decorating cookies, or singing along to Christmas Carol-Oke, your family will be feeling FESTIVE by nights end!

Food Drive & Toy Drive - Care Cottage

Have you ever noticed the little house with the red door at the end of our driveway? That is the WCPC Care Cottage and its primary mission is to provide food, clothing, and small household items donated by our congregation and friends to people in our local community who are in need.

During the holiday season, the Care Cottage gives over 200 HOLIDAY FOOD BOXES to our neighbors without discrimination – people who may be without a job or in very low-income jobs, single parents, or those who are dealing with a financial or health crisis.

We also collect new and unused toys in their original packaging for children ages birth through 12 years of age. These gifts stock the shelves for our annual Christmas Room which serves families in Contra Costa County who are unable to purchase gifts for their family for Christmas due to health or financial instability. Bring your child to the Preschool Office before or after school to choose their gold star/toy tag. Bring your unwrapped donation to the Preschool Office and be sure to have your child hang their gold star on your Christmas tree at home as a visual reminder that they helped someone in need this holiday season!